How to remove moss from a tennis court

Tennis courts can become very slippery after long periods of neglect. You can quickly revive a surface with a Kersten sweeper

 · 1 min read

Tennis courts can become very slippery after long periods of neglect. you can quickly revive a surface with a Kersten sweeper. The Kersten K series power units can have a number of different attachments to fit them. They include sweepers, weed brushes, snow ploughs, mowers etc. But now we even have different types of sweepers which make them suitable to particular applications.

This De-Moss 90 sweeper fitted to the Kersten K2100 makes short work of the moss on this tennis court.

Due to lack of maintenance and poor drainage this artificial sports surface has become ingrained with detritus in the fibres causing further drainage issues. The robust filling of the special brush in the De-Moss 90 is able to remove the trapped material from in the pile using the considerable power of the K2100 pedestrian power unit.

It is noticeable in this picture where an inferior sweeper has be used previously with less effect.

Generally there is no requirement to apply chemicals to a surface before using a sweeper to remove the moss.

More information on machines suitable for sweeping tennis courts may be found on our website here

Chris Faulkner

Chris is Managing Director of Kersten UK Ltd Interested in weed control solutions and machinery

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